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David, Rachel, Arthur, Eloise and Jude mcauley.jpg


When WeeBoBsNI came about, I prayed over how I could serve God, not just in Northern Ireland through crafting but further afield. After supporting the Joy Foundation for the first few years, and after much prayer, I feel led to support a young family heading out on the mission field to further God's kingdom. If you would like to follow this family, amongst others spreading the gospel to every nation, please visit FPC Mission.

There are many ways that you can support missionaries that head out into different parts in the world, but these are just a few that the McAuley's have expressed during their deputation meetings.

  • Pray for the language barrier - David and Rachel will need to learn the language amongst the people, to ensure the gospel is spread effectively through their evangelism;

  • Pray for unity amongst other missionaries and visitors whilst they are in the mission field, so that the love of Christ is reflected to those that they will meet and witness to;

  • Pray for their families - they will be leaving their parents, grandparents and other family members

  • Pray for the growth of God's kingdom and for opportunities to plant churches there also. 


After going on a mission trip to Poland, I saw firsthand the importance of labour for Christ. We can often think that we are unworthy and do not possess the talents required to be a missionary, let alone go on a mission trip. Both David and Rachel felt exactly the same way until the Lord made it very clear that he wanted them to go further into the world with the precious gospel. The verse they were given as a promise is found in 1 Timothy 1:11-12, which says, "According to the glorious gospel of the blessed God, which was committed to my trust. And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me, for that he counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry."


We, alone, could not make that decision to go to a foreign land, not knowing the language or culture, but it is God WHO HATH ENABLED. He counts us faithful and puts us in to the minitsry where He knows we will be used for His glory. And that is why the McAuley's felt called to journey to Uganda. Mr McAuley has also been assisting at Antrim FPC for the past year, where I am a member of, and his ministry has been a great encouragement to our congregation. 


It is a blessing to my own heart to see God's hand in a young family's lives, directing their paths and assuring them in scripture that this is His plan - because that is what He does. God has done that in my own life, and continues to do that on a daily basis. And He will do that for every one of His children.

WeeBoBsNI will be donating 25% from sales every month as the McAuley Family go into the world and preach the gospel to every tribe and tongue.

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