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WeeBoBsNI & Wee Box of Hope: How It Came About

One of my favourite creations for WeeBoBsNI is the Wee Box of Hope - a selection of 31 prayers and verses of scripture that speak of the hope we have in Christ. But how did it come about?

As another year has dawned, I am reminded of the sovereignty of God and that His hand is upon my life in every aspect of it. As it says in Romans 8:28, "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose".

Now read that verse again slowly.

We know. We KNOW. That ALL things. Work. Together. For good. To them that love God. To them who are called. According. To. His. Purpose.

In Winter 2020, just a few months after I came back to the Lord, I had been in a relationship and in all honesty, it was one that I thought "this is it". But after weeks of praying, a profession of faith was made but no fruit was produced. I made the decision, through a lot of prayer and meditating on God's word, to end that relationship.

The Lord revealed through His people that I was to "be still and know" who He was (Psalm 46:10). Who God truly is. He is our Comforter (2 Corinthians 1:3-5). Our Strength. Our present help in times of trouble (Psalm 46:1-3). He is Our Great Physician (Psalm 147:3). He is our gentle Shepherd (Psalm 23). Wanting to care for His sheep.

Through those rough weeks and months that lay ahead, God brought me to many passages of scripture, which I can only describe as balm to my soul. And because I am a 'visual' person, I decided to print these out and put them in a bowl to look through every day. Yes, you could nearly say it was like a pick 'n' mix, but each day I lifted a verse of scripture out, I knew the Lord had a word for that particular day. A way of comforting me through speaking direct. Because I didn't know what to do - I previously would have read a 'self-help' book and plastered some positive affirmations all over the walls, but this was to be Christ-centred. To look to Him, the One who does all things for our good.

Because these verses became such a comfort to me, I decided to start making some items with scripture verses on them. Anyone who has known me all my life, I have always had a 'craft box' somewhere. And because I loved helping people with their own businesses over lockdown and having my own photography business, WeeBoBsNI was born, not only to keep me busy in God's word, but with a great desire to encourage others in their walk with Him.

Much thought and prayer went in to designing the logo, thinking what my first few products would be to sell and most importantly, relying on God to direct my hands and mind to what He would want me to share.

Then, the Wee Box of Hope was created - inspired by that bowl of verses I picked out every day. I added a few prayers in as well, using scripture - when trials come, it can be hard to pray, and knowing that we have God's word not only as basic instructions before leaving earth, but as a way of praying and worshipping Him, it is a great starting point when you can't find the words to say.

When trials come, I know I can lean on my Heavenly Father for comfort, assurance and great blessings in His Word. And, my prayer for the Wee Box of Hope is that whoever receives these as gifts or to have for themselves, that God will truly speak loud through the verses of scripture. We must have an open heart, ready to receive what He has to say.

Joshua 1:8-9 says, "This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest."



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