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The Gospel of Mark: Jesus, Son of God

Throughout the gospel of Mark, an account is given of who Jesus was in a different yet same perspective than the other gospels - He was known as the Son of God, a suffering Servant to others, a Redeemer, and a Ransom for our sins.

These various, but not limited, ‘titles’ that are given to Jesus describe how the author seen His Saviour - it is believed by many commentators that Peter was the one who gave these accounts to Mark, but we will call him the ‘author’ for now.

The first chapter begins Jesus’ journey when John the Baptist prepares the way for “the Messiah, the Son of God, as it is written in Isaiah…” 40v3, which says, “The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God”. Unlike the other gospels, this one focuses on the importance of one who is mightier, more powerful… one who will baptise the people with the Holy Spirit. And, only the Son of God can do this.

In verse 11, the author writes, “And there came a voice from heaven, saying, Thou art my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.What a statement to record in God’s Holy Book - you are MY BELOVED SON. My son who I dearly love and am delighted in. This is a wonderful book to read through this month, and whilst there isn’t a plan for praying through these scriptures, I encourage you to pray as you come across a verse that speaks to your own heart.

May this month’s reading plan bless your heart, and mine!


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