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Meet The Artist

I’m Rebekah, a 28-year old Lisburner and Born-Again Christian! My journey with Jesus took off again after the passing of young Matthew Arnold, a very bubbly guy with a very loving family! God used something so horrendous to finally get through to my cold heart and this past year has definitely been one of the hardest but one of the best years of my life. 

Wee BoBs NI came about during a rough period in early 2021 and I now believe it was God’s way of saying “I’ve got you, and I will use you for my glory, keep going”. 1 Samuel 22v31 says that God’s ways are blameless AND perfect! Between that verse, 1 Chronicles 16v11 (Seek the Lord in everything, seek His face continually) and Psalm 46v10 (Be Still and Know that I am God) have been a turning point in my walk with God. There are so many people to thank but God knows who you are. Thank you for supporting a small Christian business but also supporting God’s work in Uganda, as the McAuley Family go out there to serve and witness of our saving Lord and Jesus Christ! 

Please also continue to pray for our young people; that they will not stray and stay close to God! And continue to pray for God’s people in the days ahead, that they will remain strong in their faith and spread the gospel to every nation.


Your Sister in Christ,

Bek x

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the McAuley Family

As we enter in to a new year, this family has been upon my heart - the McAuley's. David, Rachel and their 3 kids plan to head to the mission field in Uganda, in Summer 2024. WeeBoBsNI will be donating 25% from sales every month as they go into the world and preach the gospel to every tribe and tongue. Read more about their mission and how you can support them, prayerfully and financially.
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